
Monday, December 3, 2018

Children's Christmas Books: 2018 Picks and our Book-Style Advent Calendar

Happy Monday, friends, and HAPPY DECEMBER! Today, I'm bringing you a round-up of Christmas books for the boys that we're adding to our collection this year, advent-calendar style, for the last 10 days of the month. The Final Countdown! I'll be wrapping them up and numbering them, and they'll get to open one a day to read together as a family before bed. This is one of their Christmas presents to them from mama and dada--a great idea for any little ones who already have everything or where no more toys are wanted. Our Christmas book pile has been growing and growing, in the best possible way, and one day, I'll be giving these to the boys to read to THEIR babies. Tear. So here they are, the top 10 that made the cut for us this year! You can also find what we picked out last year here.